Who shouldn’t have IPL treatment?

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Who shouldn’t have IPL treatment?
IPL is not for everyone. For example, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people who use certain medications, people with certain skin diseases, and people who have had skin surgery are not candidates for IPL treatment. Therefore, one should consult a professional doctor before deciding to undergo IPL treatment.

Is the IPL worth it?
IPL is effective for treating certain skin problems like hair removal, removal of hyperpigmentation, removal of certain types of vascular lesions, etc. However, IPL may require multiple treatments to achieve the best results, and there are some side effects and risks such as pain, swelling, redness, scarring, etc. Therefore, before deciding to accept IPL treatment, one should fully understand the risks and benefits of the treatment and consult a professional doctor for advice.

Does IPL make your skin whiter?
Won’t. Although IPL can reduce skin hyperpigmentation and dark spots, it does not change the natural pigmentation of the skin. The color of the skin is determined by the pigment cells inside, while IPL can only act on the outer skin layer, so it cannot change the skin color.

Does IPL help with eye veins?
Yes, IPL can treat certain types of eye vein lesions. However, because the skin around the eyes is very delicate, IPL can cause eye damage if not used carefully. Therefore, when treating ocular venous lesions, great care must be taken and it is best treated by a professional physician.

Will IPL remove dark spots?
Yes, some types of dark spots can be treated with IPL. However, since there are different types and causes of dark spots, IPL may not necessarily be effective for all types of dark spots. Before undergoing IPL treatment, it is best to seek the opinion of a professional doctor to determine whether IPL is suitable for your dark spots.

Will IPL remove hyperpigmentation?
Yes, IPL can effectively treat certain types of hyperpigmentation. IPL emits beams of specific wavelengths that penetrate deep into the skin, gradually fading away excessive pigmentation. Non-invasive light therapy usually requires multiple sessions to get the best results, and it needs to be adjusted according to individual circumstances. Before undergoing Non-invasive light therapy, it is best to consult a professional doctor to understand the risks and benefits of the treatment.

Will the IPL treatment be painful?
During IPL treatment, many people experience a brief tingling or burning sensation, but it is usually tolerable. Some machines are equipped with cooling units to reduce discomfort.

How many treatments are needed to see results?
Results vary on an individual basis, and multiple treatments are usually required for optimal results. The interval depends on the type of treatment and the area treated, and usually ranges from a few weeks to a few months.

Is there any recovery time required after treatment?
Most people can return to normal activities immediately after treatment, but there may be mild redness or tingling. These symptoms usually subside within a few hours.

Are there any side effects?
Generally, Non-invasive light therapy is safe, but some side effects may occur, such as temporary redness, pigmentation changes, minor burns, blisters, etc. These problems usually go away on their own within a short period of time.

Who is suitable for IPL treatment?
Most people can receive IPL treatment, but it is best to conduct treatment evaluation under the guidance of a professional doctor, especially for people with skin diseases, allergies or other health problems.

Is it necessary to prep the skin beforehand?
Sun avoidance, use of certain skin care products and medications, and other skin preparation steps may be required prior to IPL treatment. Professional doctors will give guidance before treatment.

How long will the effects of treatment last?
The effects of IPL treatment vary from individual to individual and can usually last from months to years. To maintain optimal results, periodic maintenance treatments may be required.

Is IPL treatment suitable for all skin types?
IPL treatments are suitable for many skin types, but there are risks with darker or tanned skin, as these skin types may be more prone to hyperpigmentation or pigment changes. Your doctor will give you the best advice after an assessment.

Is it possible to do IPL treatment in summer?
Because the skin can become sensitive and vulnerable to UV rays after IPL treatment, it is best to avoid the treatment during the summer months, especially for a while after the treatment.

How much does IPL treatment cost?
The cost of IPL treatment varies by the type of treatment, the area treated and the region in which it is located. Generally speaking, the cost of large area treatment is higher, while the cost of small area treatment is relatively low.

Is special postoperative care required?
After IPL treatment, you may need to avoid harsh sun exposure, avoid harsh skin care products, and keep your skin clean and moisturized to promote healing and reduce discomfort.

How is hair removal IPL treatment different from traditional hair removal methods?
IPL hair removal is a long-term hair removal method that reduces hair growth by destroying hair follicles. Compared with traditional shaving and waxing, IPL hair removal may require more treatments, but the effect is longer lasting.

Before and after IPL treatment comparison chart

Will the treatment cause discomfort or pain?
There may be mild discomfort or pain during treatment, but this is usually temporary. Some units are equipped with cooling systems to reduce discomfort.

Is it possible to treat several different parts?
Yes, IPL treatment can be used on multiple areas including face, neck, chest, back, arms and legs etc.

Will hyperpigmentation return to normal after treatment?
Hyperpigmentation may gradually fade after treatment, but in some cases, the pigment may reappear. Strictly following your doctor’s recommendations and care guidelines can help reduce pigmentation problems.

Is it possible to use IPL with other treatments?
In some cases, IPL treatment can be combined with other skin treatments such as chemical peels, microneedling for better results. But it must be done under the advice of a professional doctor.

Are there risks with IPL skin rejuvenation?
IPL skin rejuvenation is generally safe when performed under the supervision of a professionally trained medical professional. However, if done incorrectly, it can cause burns, pigment changes, or other skin problems. Choosing a regular medical institution and an experienced doctor can reduce the risk.

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